Peaceful Holidays and a Compassionate 2024

In these final days of 2023, we take a pause to reflect back on 12 months of dedicated animal advocacy. While more individuals are embracing compassion in their dietary choices, the reality remains that profound and widespread suffering persists in our world. Numerous new undercover investigations have exposed the extent of cruelty that we are determined to help eradicate.

As you join us in these reflections, presented by our Executive Director, Julie, take a moment to deliberate on your own culinary choices from this impactful year.

As I sit down at my desk, reflecting on the past 12 months of speaking up for the animals, a wave of emotions overcomes me. It's been a year of truth-telling and exposing the raw realities behind the egg and dairy industries. Despite these revelations, the world around me appears wrapped up in festive celebration.

The holidays have a unique way of masking the suffering that goes into the making of our favorite dishes. We've become experts at focusing on the end product—the golden-brown turkey, the rich cheesecake, and the creamy eggnog. Yet, it's time we shift our gaze to the process—the journey these products take from farm to table. A journey fraught with pain, suffering, and a deep disregard for life.

This year, we've laid bare the harsh realities of animal agriculture, urging you to see beyond the joyful facade; urging you to pause. Take a moment to consider the weight of your choices and the impact on the lives of animals. It's not a call for guilt but a call for awareness, for a conscious decision to align actions with values.

Let's choose love over self-focused feasting. Let's extend our circle of kin in our celebrations and include those in our thoughts that are often overlooked. It's not about giving up joy; it's about finding joy in choices that spread love, not pain.

As you welcome the new year, rethink your resolutions to include not just personal aspirations but also a commitment to cultivating a less cruel plate.

Before we extend our wishes for a peaceful holiday, we like to share a glimpse of the month ahead. To conclude this year with a positive tone, we will be sharing our favorite videos and stories on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; unveiling animals, advocates, sanctuaries, and organizations who are actively weaving the fabric of a more compassionate world. Please watch out for these and follow us on your preferred social media channel if you haven’t yet.

Stay alert for upcoming announcements that will bring you a refreshed Egg Truth newsletter and a brand new one for Dairy Truth. As we align our steps on the path of our collective journey, we extend our deepest gratitude for your ongoing support and care for the animals. May the new year usher in a future where every decision is rooted in compassion. Wishing you peaceful holidays and a promising start to the new year!